
There’s a saying that goes, “just like the Moon, I am going through phases,” and I believe this analogy to be accurate about my journey here—constantly transforming and going through phases of change, expansion, light, and shadow.

Through these phases—whether knowingly or not—I’ve developed a deeper innerstanding of my power, the traumas, my magic, and my gifts.

As I continue to learn, unlearn, and return to myself, these stages in my life have awakened my awareness and connection to the Goddess within, the knowing of Oneness, and the power of the mind.

Soul join me as I go through these phases of my life, expanding my knowledge, healing my bloodline, and creating a life of peace, love, and balance.

I have chosen to organize my words by category. This way, you can dive into one that speaks to you and go from there.

Dark Side of the Moon is my shadow work topic, things hidden within, unseen, or unspoken.

Mantras are words that can be recited to accomplish a focus on something particular–like remembering who the fuck you are! I often repeat these during meditation, yoga, internal dialogue, and even when I come across a mirror!

My Tribe is a category dedicated to the people I love; whenever a story is aligned with someone I love, it can be found here.

New Brain Connections is a category to represent the rewiring of my brain through learning/unlearning.

SELF is all things self-love, self-care, and self-reflection! Returning to SELF is what this is all about!

Wellness Corner wraps it up with tips, tricks, and recipes for anything and everything that has aided me in my experience.